lunedì 31 ottobre 2016

Ricky Gervais hilarious acceptance speech

Ricky Gervais è sicuramente uno dei comici più divertenti in circolazione; il comico britannico è l'autore della serie televisiva the Office, una delle commedie televisive più famose  della storia della televisione , vi consiglio vivamente di guardarla se ancora non lo avete fatto, ed è anche l'autore di altre serie televisive di successo come Extras e Derek nonché di alcuni show teatrali come stand up comedian.
Gervais è anche famoso per la conduzione irriverente dei Grammy Awards ed anche per i suoi discorsi alle cerimonie di premiazione, qui lo troviamo in un irriverente discorso di ringraziamento per aver ricevuto il Charlie Chaplin Award:

Di seguito il testo in inglese :
 “I’ve been to a lot of awards ceremonies here. Someone always gets up and says ‘I haven’t prepared a speech. I didn’t think I’d win’.
“Well I knew I’d won and I didn’t prepare a speech. It shows you the contempt I have for this award and this town in general.
“I’m joking of course. This is a great town. It’s all about celebrities, which are the best people in the world. The most important.
“And BAFTA is the best award. So put them together, BAFTA and LA, the most important award ceremony in the world.”
“This particular award is the probably the greatest BAFTA award. So the best award in the history of the universe.
“What I’m taking from this is you, and everyone in show business, is saying to me that I’m better than Charlie Chaplin. I humbly accept this award.”
“And my girlfriend of over 30 years Jane, although she has not really contributed to my career. This is all me. In fact thinking about it she has done f**k all.
“She is around now of course because there is free champagne. She has really fallen on her feet. So I just wanted to mention her.”

I am drunk. Thank you. I would like another award next year – it was a free trip thanks to BAFTA and American Airlines you know it let’s be honest, shut up."